

User agreement

Welcome to texttospeech software or service. Please (hereinafter referred to as “the user”) carefully read all the following contents, and minors should be accompanied by guardians. If the user uses texttospeech software or services, it means that the user voluntarily accepts all the contents of these terms of service.

Confirmation and acceptance of service terms

These terms are the terms between the user and the software regarding the user’s use of texttospeech software or services, including the text of the terms, user service terms, user privacy policy, and various rules that have been published or may be published in the future. All rules are an integral part of the terms and have the same legal effect as the text of the terms. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the user’s use of texttospeech software or services will be bound by these terms.

If this clause needs to be revised due to the development of “texttospeech”, it will be published on the “texttospeech” platform. After modifying the above terms, if the user does not accept the modified terms, the user can choose to terminate the use of “texttospeech” software or service. If the user continues to use it, it will be deemed that he has accepted the modified terms.

texttospeech Account Rules

Users can obtain voiceover, music and other content on texttospeech by using texttospeech software or services. Such as dubbing, adding background music, sharing and downloading works, exporting MP3 files, charging and trading platform services. The user login account can be the account assigned by texttospeech. The account shall not be transferred, lent, leased or sold. If the user does not keep his account well and causes damage to the user or a third party, the user will be fully responsible. The user agrees that if any illegal use of the user account or security vulnerability is found, it is obliged to notify us immediately. When users use the “texttospeech” service, they should abide by the seven bottom lines of laws and regulations, the socialist system, national interests, citizens’ legitimate rights and interests, public order, social ethics and the authenticity of information. They should not have illegal and bad information in the account information, and users should ensure that when filling in, logging in and using the account information, they should not have the following situations:

(1) Violating the constitution or laws and regulations;

(2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

(3) Harming national honor and interests or public interests;

(4) Inciting national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity;

(5) Those who undermine the state’s religious policies and propagate cults and feudal Superstitions;

(6) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability;

(7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

(8) Insulting or slandering others and infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(9) Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

If there is illegal and bad information in the user account information, we have the right to take measures such as notifying the user to correct within a time limit and suspending the use. We have the right to cancel the use of this account on “texttospeech” and report to the competent government department.

Modification of service terms

We have the right to modify these terms by issuing announcements in the “texttospeech” software or on the website when necessary. When users use “texttospeech” software or services, they should check and understand the modified contents in time and consciously abide by the relevant contents of the terms of service. If the user continues to use the “texttospeech” software or the services involved in these terms of service, it shall be deemed that the user agrees to the modification. In case of any dispute, the latest terms of service shall prevail; The user has the right to stop using the software or services involved in these terms of service if he does not agree to modify the content.

Change or suspension of services

The software is constantly changing and improving services. We may choose to suspend, interrupt and terminate some or all of the services of “texttospeech” according to our own business decisions, government actions, force majeure and other reasons. In case of such a situation, the software will notify the user in the form of announcement, but will not bear any loss caused to the user. Unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations, “texttospeech” has the right to directly refund the fees corresponding to the services that have not been performed to the user without the user’s application; If the user generates income in texttospeech, texttospeech has the right to withdraw the income for the user directly according to the relevant rules without the user’s application.

User privacy system

Respecting user privacy is a basic policy of the software. texttospeech will use various security technologies and procedures, establish a sound management system to ensure that it will never provide the registration data of a single user to external companies or third parties, and collect, store, use, disclose and protect the personal information of users. Please read the above privacy policy in full to help users better protect their personal information. If you are under the age of 14, please inform your guardian, and be sure to seek their consent and guidance before using texttospeech and submitting personal information.

Force majeure clause

The software is not responsible for the losses caused by force majeure. The force majeure referred to in the service terms includes: natural disasters, changes in laws and regulations or government orders, reasons unique to the characteristics of network services, such as failures of domestic and foreign basic telecom operators, computer or Internet related technical defects, Internet coverage restrictions, computer viruses, hacker attacks and other factors, as well as other unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions within the legal scope.

Prohibit the commercialization of services

The user promises that without our consent, the user cannot use texttospeech software or services for sales or other commercial purposes. If users need to use texttospeech software or services for commercial purposes, they should notify the developer in writing and obtain the explicit authorization of the developer.

User management

The user independently assumes the responsibility for the content published in texttospeech. The user’s use of texttospeech software or services must comply with all local, national and international laws applicable to the service.

User commitment:

(1) Users must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations when using texttospeech software, and shall not use texttospeech software or services to make, copy, publish and disseminate information prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

(2) When users publish information on texttospeech or use texttospeech software or services, they must also comply with the laws and regulations of other relevant countries and regions and the relevant provisions of international law.

(3) Users shall not use texttospeech software or services to perform the following acts:

(a) Log in or use texttospeech software or services through third-party compatible software or systems that are not developed, authorized or recognized by the software developer, or use plug-ins that are not developed, authorized or certified by the software developer for texttospeech software and related services;

(b) Delete all information and content about copyright on this software and other copies;

(c) Reverse engineer, reverse assemble, reverse compile or otherwise obtain source code from texttospeech software;

(d) For the information related to texttospeech software, without the consent of the software developer, unauthorized implementation includes but is not limited to the following acts: use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish, establish a mirror site, unauthorized development of derivative products, works, services, plug-ins, plug-ins, compatibility, interconnection, etc. related to texttospeech software;

(e) Copy, change and modify the data released to the memory of any computer or mobile terminal during the use of texttospeech software or services and the interactive data between the client and the server during the operation of the software.

(f) Others use texttospeech software and services in any illegal way, for any illegal purpose, or in any way inconsistent with these terms.

(4) Users shall not abuse texttospeech software or services, including but not limited to using texttospeech software or services to infringe other people’s intellectual property rights or legitimate interests.

(5) The user shall abide by all other regulations and procedures of the software. Users shall be legally responsible for their actions in the process of using texttospeech software or services. The forms of legal liability borne by users include but are not limited to: compensation for the infringed, and after the software developer first bears the administrative penalty or infringement damage liability caused by the user’s behavior, the user should give the software developer the same amount of compensation. If the user violates the above provisions, the software developer has the right to make independent judgment and immediately suspend or terminate part or all of the services provided to the user, including freezing and canceling the user’s account and use rights.

The user understands that if the software developer finds that the information published by the user on texttospeech software obviously belongs to the content mentioned in paragraph (1) above, according to Chinese laws, the software developer has the obligation to immediately stop transmission, keep relevant records, report to the relevant national authorities, delete the address, directory containing the content, or shut down the server.


All notifications to users can be sent by email, regular letters or announcements in prominent positions in texttospeech software or texttospeech website. Software developers will pass messages to users through one of the above methods to inform them of the modification of service terms, service changes, or other important things.

Content and trademark ownership

The content provided by texttospeech software or service includes but is not limited to: audio, song graphic data, song list, text expression and its combination, interface design, layout frame, icon, trademark, etc. Except for the software, technology and content authorized by the third party, all these contents belong to Hefei Mingyang Information Technology Co., Ltd. and are protected by the copyright law, trademark law, patent law, anti unfair competition law of the people’s Republic of China, corresponding international treaties and other intellectual property laws and regulations. Therefore, the user can only use these contents with the authorization of the software developer. Without the written consent of the software developer, the user cannot copy or recreate these contents, or create derivative products related to the contents, or authorize a third party to implement, utilize and transfer the above intellectual property rights in the form of transfer or license for any profit-making or non-profit purpose. The software developer has the right to place various advertisements and promotional information in the texttospeech software in the service or through the service. At the same time, texttospeech and other software and service names mentioned in this article may be trademarks of the software developer or its associated products. Without the prior written consent of the software developer, the user shall not display, use or deal with them in any way, nor indicate to others that the user has the right to display, use or deal with them.

Information storage and related intellectual property

The software developer will try its best to maintain the security and convenience of all services on texttospeech software, but will not assume any responsibility for the deletion or storage failure of information (including but not limited to information published by the user and dubbing independently made by the user) in the service. In addition, the software developer has the right to determine whether the user’s behavior meets the requirements of the terms of service. If the user violates the provisions of the terms of service, the software developer has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of its texttospeech service. The software respects intellectual property rights and pays attention to protecting the rights enjoyed by users. In the services contained in texttospeech software, users may need to provide content to software developers by making comments and other ways. In this case, the user still enjoys the complete intellectual property rights of such content. When providing the content, the user will grant a global free license to the software developer, allowing the software to use, disseminate, copy, modify, compile, adapt, sublicense, translate, create derivative works, publish, perform and display such content.


This clause is governed by the laws of the people’s Republic of China and excludes the application of all conflict laws. In case of any dispute arising from your use of the services under this agreement, you agree to submit the dispute to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration, and three arbitrators will hear it. The arbitration award is final and binding on both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.


Users can complain and report all kinds of violations through the customer service email listed at the end of the terms of service. The software will accept and handle complaints and reports of users in a timely manner.

Some content in texttospeech software is uploaded by users themselves, and the uploader is responsible for the uploaded content. If a third party claims that the uploaded content infringes the rights and interests of the third party, the user can provide the following documents or information to the software developer through the customer service email listed at the end of the terms of service. After receiving the above documents or information, the software developer will decide whether to deal with the suspected infringing content or links:

(1) Content or link to be processed

(2) Identification materials

(3) Contact information and address

(4) Documents that can prove the right to the content.

Unless otherwise proved, the data stored on its server by this software is the only valid evidence that users use texttospeech software or services.

These terms shall be implemented from the date of release and constitute the consensus between users and software developers. The software developer’s failure to exercise, timely exercise or fully exercise the rights under this clause or the laws shall not be deemed as waiver of such rights, nor shall it affect the software developer’s exercise of such rights in the future.

The software developer has the final right to interpret the terms of this agreement.



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